This new 8 week mindfulness course comes from Prof. Mark Williams and his wealth of research and experience in teaching mindfulness to many different groups across the world. This course is designed particularly for those who have already completed a mindfulness-based programme and want to explore mindfulness more deeply. Perhaps you have completed a course such as MBSR, MBCT or Finding Peace in a Frantic World? Maybe you've taken part in introductory sessions or tried out mindfulness meditation through apps or other recordings in your own way? And now you are curious to deepen your experience by joining small group that allows for live guiding, interactive discussion together and journaling prompts on each weekly theme? Maybe this is the course for you.
In particular this course explores an aspect of mindfulness that is not covered explicitly in other mindfulness courses, namely ‘feeling tone’. Feeling tone is a sense of the positive or negative that is part of every human experience we have. Crucially it is the tipping point for our mood.
"Deeper Mindfulness is informed by recent psychological findings that reveal that every waking moment, our understanding of the world is dominated by imagining how we can take action within it, coloured by what is called ‘feeling tone’. Feeling tone is the moment-by-moment ‘read-out’ of how much a sensation, thought or emotion feels pleasant, unpleasant, or neither. Based on this moment-by-moment ‘read out’, the body allocates its resources as it gears up for real or imagined action. This can prepare us well for action, but it can also put us at risk of becoming exhausted without our realising it.
During the eight weekly sessions, you will learn meditations that prepare you for, then help you tune in to feeling tone frame by frame. This provides an opportunity to see more clearly both the tipping points for distress and exhaustion, and also how to flourish by freeing yourself to appreciate life again, even in the midst of difficulty."
- from Oxford Mindfulness Foundation